
Get it on Google Play or other app stores!

The easiest way to get DAVx⁵ is on Google Play.

Other stores

There are several reasons to use a different app store than Google Play, for instance that

  • your device doesn't have Google Play, or
  • you can't use Google Play for some reason, or
  • you don't want a Google account, or
  • you just don't want to use Google Play.

Then you can use one of these alternative app stores:

Official DAVx⁵ APKs are currently signed with a key with this SHA-256 hash: B3:9E:7B:77:EC:85:34:83:64:6B:21:B4:A3:E3:CA:54:0B:A0:94:EF:8D:AA:18:E8:7E:0B:E1:FA:46:38:D3:21

Privacy notes

amazon appstore modifies (adds trackers and other functions) and re-signs the .apk.

Huawei AppGallery modifies the .apk and adds DRM, too.

Google Play doesn't need to do that because it is a system app and they can do anything  directly.

Legal attribution

Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.