AOL Mail is a Webmail service by AOL. It supports both CalDAV and CardDAV.
DAVx⁵ settings
If your AOL account ends with @aol.com:
- Choose "Login with email address".
- Email address: your AOL account, e.g.
Password: see below
If your AOL account does not end with @aol.com:
- Choose "Login with URL".
- Base URL:
User name: your AOL account, e.g.user@aol.de
Password: see below
- if you have 2-step-verification enabled, generate an app password and use it for DAVx⁵
- otherwise, your AOL account password (if it doesn't work, generate an app password too)
Contact group method: No contact group support. Choose "per-contact categories" as contact group method to minimize problems.